Saturday, October 9, 2010

Whole Lot of Liam

Is it just me or has Liam spent a lot of time this season shirtless!?!  He hasn't been in the episodes a whole lot, but the scenes he has been in he tends to be shirtless in most of them.  Not that anyone is complaining, the show can feel free to forget a shirt whenever they want.  Poor Matt having to constantly have to be shirtless, I'm sure he wouldn't mind wearing a shirt once in awhile, and honestly neither would I.  It's not that I don't like seeing Liam shirtless, it's just that I also like seeing Liam's style.  Style is part of a character and you really can't get that when he's shirtless.  I would say winter is coming and he might get a bit cold roaming about without a shirt but we all know there is no real winter in So Cal.  So I'll just take in the view and enjoy it.  Maybe Liam can warm things up for the rest of us once it's gets cold.  

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