Monday, October 11, 2010

The Magnetism of Matt

When you think of Matt Lanter what comes to mind?  What attracts you to him?  Is it those gorgeous blue eyes or that brilliant smiles of his that lures you in?  Perhaps it is just his looks in general, the whole package.  Whether is is his acting or his looks that draw you in, but there is much more to Matt.  it is when you dig a little deeper and expose yourself to who Matt really is, is what keeps you from leaving.

There is a quality that Matt has that draws fans in and causes them to adore him.  It is a quality that that you don't see a lot.  Matt may play a bad boy, but he really is genuinely a nice guy.  He seems so sweet and down-to-earth.  One can clearly see how grounded and humble this guy is.  His character really speaks for itself.  It is not wonder why people are so attracted to him.  They really don't have any choice in the matter once they learn more about him.  He is the type of guy that every women hopes to meet and marry.  He is also that guy that you really want to meet, become friends with, and just hang out with.  If you know anything about Matt, you probably know that he is funny.  Matt has an incredible sense of humor and is laugh out loud funny.  The dry, sarcastic humor is what I love the most from him.  A guy that is hot, sweet, and funny, Matt is really the total package.

Even though I've never met Matt, I do believe for all these things to be true.  You can build a pretty strong foundation as to who he is by what you read and what others say about him.  I think it would be safe to say there would be a general consensus about all of this.  However, for me there is something more.  For awhile i have been trying to figure out what attracts me to Matt Lanter.  There was some mystery as to why I have become such a huge fan.  All the things mentioned above were contributing factors.  But there was something else about him that I couldn't quite put my finger on it or put it into words.  Then I finally hit me.  What has made me the fan I am is respect.  I respect Matt and the work he does as an actor and I respect him as a person.  Not to often do I find myself have actual respect for a celebrity or really admire them.  Matt is really genuinely an amazing guy.  I like him a lot, what else can I say.

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