Monday, October 18, 2010

Hello, I'm a Lanterholic

Matt Lanter fans need a catchy name to call ourselves. I tweeted this awhile back and it actually inspired another Matt Lanter fan to blog about it. There were ideas for names that were thrown around, but there was no vote or consensus on what exactly we should call ourselves. I believe that Matt deserves a fan base that has a name for them. Every "big" celebrity has one right? It would only be fitting that Matt's die-hard fans would have a name to go by. A way of classifying ourselves. Of course it has to be catchy because who would want to go by something that wasn't. But, it also needs to be fitting. My personal favorite is of course Lanterholics. It's catchy and it describes exactly who we are. We are people who are who absolutely love and support Matt and simply cannot get enough of him. We are addicted! There were a few others that I liked but this one has stuck with me personally. With this name there are so many things you can play on with. For instance there would of course be the creation of Lanterholic Anonymous (LA) meetings. Lanterholism is a real addiction with no cure. We need all the support we can get. Haha.

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