Thursday, October 21, 2010


So Matt just tweeted this:

@MattLanter:  Wow, I'm just a few clicks away from having 100k followers. I'm giddy like a little school girl. But seriously, i'm flattered! thanks!

First of all, let me just start with this tweet cracked me up.  People must think I am weird because I'll be reading his tweets and I just start laughing out loud.  Sometimes I just can't help it.  There was no hope of keeping any laughter in after reading "I'm giddy like a little school girl."  Matt always has a way with words that manages to make me laugh.  The image I got when I read that is, is really what had me laughing.  Matt deserves as the fans and success that is coming his way.  He's a little more  than a few clicks away, but with a little help he'll be there before we know it.  Let's help Matt out and get him to that 100k followers.   

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