Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Liam Rewind: "I See London, I See France..."

What is it going to take to get more Liam on 90210???  Last week his name was in the episode's title and was still hardly on it.  If you were to fast forward and watch the scenes with Liam, you'd be done in three minutes tops.  It is not like Liam doesn't have a storyline, so why are we hardly seeing Liam?  Will our questions ever get answered?  Or will we continue to just ask more?  However, Matt is outstanding during the scenes that he does have.  The scenes are always memorable and leave you wanting more.  Matt does such a great job at portraying Liam, that the audience always knows exactly what it going on with Liam.  Matt is so talented, I really wish we would see more of him.  I'll stop with my ranting and tackle last night's episode.

If you were to fill in the blank for the rest of that phrase, it would be "I see Liam's underwear."  Last night's episode drew you in instantly.  And almost had you believing that we would be seeing more Liam this week, but once again they were only teasing us.  The episode began with Laura watching Liam sleep.  Creepy right?  Once again the show has managed to work Liam without a shirt on again.  Has there been an episode this season where Liam hasn't had his shirt off???  I wonder how Matt feels about this?

It's interesting to see how Liam's mood changes based upon who he is with.  When Laura is around him, we see this annoyed and irritated guy.  Matt does such a great job at expressing it, I really can't help but to laugh a little.  Then we see the mood shift when he is at school shooting pool with the guys.  This is definitely a much happier and relaxed Liam.  The audience is able to feel this mood change as well.  This of course is a reflection of Matt's impressive abilities.
One thing that I noticed last night and through out this season is how much Liam has really matured from last season.  I think his situation has forced him to grow-up a little and just be smarter.  We haven't really seen Liam blow up this season and seems to have his temper under control.  I really do think Liam is able to take things much better this season than he was able to last season.  You have to give Liam credit for the way he is able just to take the comments students made to him last night with the purses and how he is able to just deal with Laura, no matter how annoying he may be.  I do think there is a possibility for a potential blow up.  One can only take so much, and keep so much inside before one loses it.  Between Charlie and Laura, who knows what could set him off.  I do like that he wants to work to support himself and doesn't want to take any hand-outs.  Liam is really impressing me this season with how he is choosing to handle life and things.

Now, let's all say it together, "Poor Liam."  Liam just can't seem to catch a break.  He thinks he has this good job and even though he's miserable doing it, he is willing to put up with Laura if it means a paycheck and a place to live.  But turns out there is more to crazy Laura than we knew, she's actually pretty shady.  Looks like Laura is a drug supplier and decided to drag Liam with her to carry the drugs unknowingly in the purses she "made".  I just hope Liam isn't going to get caught up in any trouble Laura may create.  I am curious to see where this is going and what Liam will decide to do.  This may be another test of right and wrong for him.  Liam may just be desperate enough to stick with Laura.  If Liam has learned anything from his past, hopefully that means he'll get himself out of this bad situation.  I really don't want to see anything bad happen to Liam.  The poor guy is already dealing with enough and has been through a lot.  I think we would all like to see Liam be happy for a change, but I guess then things wouldn't be quite as interesting, would they?

To end, let's talk about the Undies real quick.  Liam did not go home empty handed from these awards.  Our boy got the Undie for Least School Spirit and he could not have been less enthused about it.  Liam is definitely deserving of this award. 

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