Thursday, November 11, 2010

Golfing Fun With Matt

In case you haven't noticed, Matt likes to golf.  As one who likes to play and watch golf, I always find it ever so interesting when Matt tweets golf stuff.  The other day he tweeted these photos during his downtime while shooting.  And may I say that's a really nice sand wedge that Matt uses.
@MattLanter:  What do you do when your shooting on the beach and have downtime? on your bunker shots of course!

The golf fun does not end with those photos.  Today Bubba Watson tweeted this today:

@bubbawatsonGoing to play golf with @MattLanter! I bet he beats @Tom_Belshaw 96 1st time we played golf together!!! #urwelcome

Can I just say how much I would love and I mean love the opportunity to watch them play.  In case you don't know who Bubba Watson is, he is a PGA golfer who had a pretty good year.  This would be so awesome to see.  And I really want to see Matt play, I'm sure he's good, probably not Bubba Watson good, but good.  Golf lessons from Matt Lanter, now that would be a dream come true.  Who knew the one thing that would pull my eyes off of Matt Lanter if he was in my view would be a golf ball. 

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