Thursday, September 22, 2011

Liam: Model '90210'-er?

By:  Jarett Wieselman
September 20, 2011

Matt Lanter's 90210 character Liam has been a deep sea fisherman, a mechanic, a personal assistant and a denim-selling piece of meat.
Now, in season four, Matt reveals that his character will be returning to one of these trades, albeit in a slightly more "Hollywood" way.
"Liam starts doing some modeling this season," Matt told me at The CW Premiere Party. "I don't think it'll be in windows again," he joked of Liam's last shirtless job (which you can relive on the left), "but he starts to experience a bit of fame as a result of the modeling. And he starts to earn some serious money too."
But as anyone who tuned into last week's season premiere knows, Liam already has some serious money. Or, had, rather, as he dropped $25 K on a beachside bar. Turns out, the source of the cash might not have been as simple as he made it out to be. "Some stuff happened over the summer that he's been hiding from everyone but in true 90210 style, it all comes out ... eventually," Matt said, before teasing, "It involves a death and there's a lot drama that goes along with it. Which affects his relationship with Annie, big time."
What will this turn of events mean for 90210's most on-again/off-again couple? Find out every Tuesday at 8 p.m. now that 90210 is airing new episodes!

Matt Lanter Lusts After Julianne Hough

90210's badboy Matt Lanter lets SheKnows in on Liam’s antics this season and what he's really like off screen.
Matt Lanter says he nothing like his smoldering character Liam on the CW’s 90210.
Matt Lanter, 90210
“Liam’s always brooding and serious,” Matt told SheKnows at Bing Presents the CW Premiere Party this weekend.  “I’m not like that.”
Well, that’s not entirely true. What he does share with Liam is major sex appeal!  So for our readers' benefit of course, we had to ask, what does Matt look for in a lady?
“I better say this,” Matt confided. “My dream girl is my beautiful girlfriend who is here with me tonight.”
Very sweet, but that didn’t stop Matt from filling us in on his celebrity crush.
“There’s always celebrity crushes,” Matt told SheKnows.  “I’ve always been a big fan of Julianne Hough. She’s just smoking.”

On-screen Matt plays Liam, the love-interest of Shenae Grimes' character, Annie. Unfortunately this season, Matt says things aren't going well for the couple.
“Liam proposes to Annie and it doesn’t go exactly as he plans, so they’re kind of coping with that,” said Matt. “After the whole marriage thing happens, there’s another girl in Liam’s life coming down to LA and there’s other guys in Annie’s life now.”
Matt told us both Annie and Liam’s love interests will be played by new actors and that his lady will be someone he meets while on summer vacation in Alaska.
In addition to spending loads of time with Grimes, Matt has also become very close to the male actors in the cast.
“We’re always in Tristan’s trailer bumping music or goofing off,” said Matt. “Sometimes we’re there for 10 to 15 hours, so we just find a way to have a good time.”
And he told SheKnows the boys are just as rambunctious off-camera as they are on the show.
“One time we actually teepeed Steger’s trailer, which was really funny," said Matt. "I don’t know if we ever really told him it was us.”
This fun-loving spirit is quite the opposite of Liam’s serious persona, and Matt says it sometimes puts a damper on things for him.
“There’s an episode where some of the characters dress up for a Masquerade, but Liam (for the second time in a row) does not get to dress up,” Matt told us.  “I’m really angry about it. Halloween is like my favorite holiday.”
Still, Matt is very appreciative to be a part of the 90210 family.
“The past four years have been a whirlwind for me,” said Matt. “Being part of such an iconic show and have it be successful and cemented into the 90210 name, it’s pretty cool. It’s been a blast.”
So what’s next for this up-and-coming heartthrob?
“I would like to do something with World War II, and pay homage to my grandpa who served and all the rest of the guys who did,” Matt told us.
Matt in a sexy soldier’s uniform? We approve!
Be sure to catch Matt Lanter and the rest of the 90210 cast every Tuesday night at 8/7 c. on the CW.
Photo credit: WENN

Matt Lanter Supports ACT

Matt Lanter:
Alzheimer Champion
"My Grandmother suffers from Alzheimer’s, so it’s very close to me and I see not only the effects of the disease on her but also how it affects the family, how the relationships change and you lose that person even while they’re sitting in front of you."

Matt the Ballboy

May the force be with the Braves
Matt Lanter, voice of Anakin Skywalker on "The Clone Wars", recalls being a Braves ballboy and previews the new season of the show

Source:  MLB

Exclusive: Cha-Ching! 90210's Liam Court Gets a Surprise Windfall This Season

Photo: Just look at those blue eyes!
Now that they've all graduated from high school, the 90210 crew has to learn how to live in the real world. And rich or poor, it's not going to be as easy as they think.

But luckily for Liam Court, the blue-eyed hunk from the wrong side of the tracks, a surprise windfall could turn his whole world around. Wetpaint Entertainment got the scoop on Liam's stroke of good luck from 90210 star Matt Lanter at the VH1 Do Something Awards.

"Liam is going to come into a little bit of money, which is interesting for him," Matt told us in an exclusive interview.

While he wouldn't reveal as to whether or not the financial boost means Liam will abandon his plans of hitting the high seas to work on deep-sea fishing boat, Matt explained that it does have a huge ripple effect on the show.

"It's going to change his life because there's a big purchase that is made," he teased. "It's going to affect him, it's going to affect the other characters and will set up a new branch to explore."

The 28-year-old actor, who is best known for playing high-school kids, said he is excited about the sudden influx of cash, even if it's his character's and not his own!

"It's fun because Liam has always been down and out and never gets a break, so this is great that he finally has some good luck," he explained. "It's a new endeavor for him and it's going to be exciting. He's not quite living the high life but we'll see how it goes."

Of course, life always has its challenges — even in Beverly Hills — and, unfortunately, Liam's love life isn't going to be as fruitful as his finances this season.

"The romance is on the rocks with Annie," Matt revealed. "He comes back [from the boat] and you think things are good and then it turns out to be not so good. Decisions were made over the summer with both of the characters — I don't know where it's all headed."


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Some Season 4 Spoilers!

In an article posted by TV Guide by Denise Martin, she interviews the new showrunners for 90210 Patti Carr and Lara Olsen.  I'm thinking that little red box we saw earlier in the week in the photos of the cast on set may be just what I thought it is.  Here's what they had to say about Liam and Annie.
For the full article visit the TV Guide website by clicking on the link

Liam (Matt Lanter) and Annie (Shenae Grimes) also ended things on a high note last year — Annie caught up with him before he set sail for the summer — but that can't last with her off to Carnegie Mellon University, right? [Not to mention, there's this girl on the horizon.]
Well, Liam sailed off to figure out some things.

But she chased him down in the finale! 
Olsen: But he was gone all summer! And, when we come back, she hasn't heard from him. So we don't know what happened with Liam.
Carr: But we do quickly find out. When he returns, he has made a very interesting decision regarding his relationship with Annie, and it's definitely something viewers will be interested in.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Matt on Set for Season 4

Matt Lanter is back to work on 90210.  The cast has been shooting this week on the streets and beaches around LA on July 10 and 13.  Looking at the photos that have been snapped has me excited for season 4 and what it holds for Liam.  Hopefully season 4 means more Liam than last season.  I have a feeling, based on what I have been reading, that we may seeing another different side a Liam as he develops a new love interest with a young women who has become a window.  We all know what a sensitive and caring guy Liam can be.  There is one picture that has particularly caught my eye, it's Liam holding a little red box.  The question is what is inside that box, is it a ring?  Does he propose to Annie and she says no?  After all, if Liam is going to have a new love interest, we all need to no that there is no hope for him and Annie getting back together.  Guess we will just have to wait until September to find out.  For now, here a some shots of Matt on set.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Dashing Matt Lanter

The dashing Matt Lanter is featured on another magazine cover, this time it's Bello Mag issue #26.  Not only is Matt Lanter on the cover, inside the magazine there is a really nice photo spread and interview.  I think it is safe to say that the camera loves him.  Click on the pictures to enlarge to read the articles. (Photos by Alek and Steph)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Photo Update

It's been quite some time since I've updated the blog. Matt has been quite busy as well. From venturing to Tahiti for a Mark Mann photo shoot to filming parts of his new movie Liars all in London to Disney World for Star Wars weekends where he is currently at this weekend, Matt has been jetting all over the world. So here is a major photo update of some of what Matt has been doing since the season finale of 90210 and some bonus pics.

Matt in Metro Magazine

Here's the absolutely gorgeous and stunning photos by Mark Nicdao from the June 2011 issue of Metro Magazine.

 Source:  Fashion Media PH

Friday, May 20, 2011

Matt Lanter on the 90210 Season

This week was the season finale of 90210 that left us all wondering if Liam will return.  After a disappointing season that had a total lack of Liam we can't help but wonder what the future of Matt's character is.  While we were all saying that we would have liked to see more of Liam's story and explore the history of the character, apparently, Matt Lanter also want to see a little more of Liam.  We could agree more with him.  Here's to hoping that Liam will return next season because if he doesn't I may just lose interest in the show.  Here is the interview Matt gave prior to the airing of the season finale.

Matt Lanter Drops Some Knowledge About the 90210 Finale 

Matt Lanter, 90210Poor Matt Lanter. If only he were more attractive, we'd probably see so much more of him on 90210.
Just kidding, he's completely hot and happily dealing with some pretty crazy storylines for his character Liam. Tonight, the third season of 90210 wraps up, with an ending that will surely set up the group's transition to college. But as Matt tells us, the season finale is going to be anything but drama free for Liam and the rest of the gang.
And that's just the way we like our 90210 episodes...

How have you felt about Liam's story arc over the course of the season?
Matt Lanter:
I would have liked to see Liam's story develop a bit more this season. Yes, we saw Liam struggle with the relationship with his stepbrother Charlie (Evan Ross) for a couple episodes and he dealt with crazy drug-dealing Laura, and of course his relationship ups and downs with Annie (Shenae Grimes), but there could be so much more to him and I'd love to see that happen next season.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

First Look at 90210's Graduation Day

Prior to shooting their May 16 season finale graduation episode, many of the 90210 actors had never worn a cap and gown. "I did graduate from high school, but I never got to do the whole walk across the stage and receive your diploma thing," says Shenae Grimes, whose Annie hopes to attend Carnegie Mellon in the fall. "I think it was a first for almost half our cast."

"Even though it was fake, it took me back to my own graduation--with the robes, throwing up the hats and the feeling of the unknown," says Lanter.

The question now: Will these grads make it to the fictitious California University, attended by their Beverly Hills, 90210 predecessors? That's up to The CW. "We don't know what's happening to the characters or even if we're coming back at all," says Matt Lanter (Liam). "So it's actually an appropriate ending, with a lot of the characters left in a positive way."

By William Keck
Sources:  TV Guide

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Man Behind Lego Anakin

When my brother told me that Matt Lanter actually recorded the grunts and sounds that come out of the Lego Anakin on Lego Star Wars III I didn't believe him.  Well turns out good ole Matt did indeed do the voice recording for the character and I found video evidence proving it.  It's funny watching the facial expressions as he makes the sounds and it makes watching the video clips in the video game even that more funny.  Matt apparently excels regardless what type of work he is doing, whether it's him on the screen, or just his voice, or even just noises, he is good at what he does.  This guy is talented on so many levels, it's almost ridiculous, almost...


Q + A with Matt Lanter

Here's an interview from back in February, it is a little over a month old, but still a good one so I thought I would share.

Woodsy's World of Star Wars: My Q+A w/Clone Wars Actor Matt Lanter!

Matt Lanter plays the voice of all things Anakin in The Clone Wars. He also plays bad boy Liam in 90210. I first met Matt at last year's Star Wars Celebration in "Lando" Florida where I interviewed him for MTV Geek. I immediately felt a strong connection since he worked with Carrie Fisher in the movie Sorority Row. That lucky dawg!
Let's have a quick touch base with Matt as he discusses the dark side of Anakin, his golf game and his Princess Leia buns photo session denial! *Somehow* I'll recover...

LW - You play the role of Anakin in Clone Wars. How has it been seeing such an emotional change in Anakin this season, as he begins to dip into the dark side? Anything about upcoming season 4 you can give us?
ML - It's pretty cool. As a fan, I think it's amazing that we are getting to explore this time in Anakin's life. We never really got to see the gradual progression of Anakin's slide towards the dark side. It wasn't sudden. It was years of being pushed and pulled in different directions by the Jedi order and by Palpatine. Combine those factors with some of the tragic events that he has experienced in his life and you may see more clearly why he slipped to the dark side. We really get to add huge pieces to the Star Wars puzzle with these recent episodes. Season 4 will continue on with darker moments like we have just seen in the "Mortis" arc, bringing Anakin closer and closer to Darth Vader.

LW - You also play the voice of Anakin in Star Wars Legos game. My mom got me that for Christmas, got any hot tips for me?
ML - I haven't played it yet!

LW - Twitter told me that occasionally you come to NYC. What are some of your favorite things to do here?
ML - I do have a tremendous appreciation for NYC! It's so alive all of the time. I really haven't spent enough time there to tell you where my favorite hang outs are but I do love Central Park. It's like this oasis in the middle of the city. So unique.

LW - So Matt, we haven’t spoken since Star Celebration V last August. Any fond memories of Celebration come to mind, besides me of course, that you’d like to share?
ML - Celebration is always a blast! It's just fun to be there with the rest of the cast and crew from The Clone Wars and, of course, all of the fans. Everyone is just happy to be there sharing in something we all love. I do have to say, seeing everyone dressed up in these crazy costumes and the length they go to is just incredible. That’s probably one of my favorite parts.

LW - I see your birthday is coming up on April 1st! Happy early birthday Matt! Got any big plans or do you think your buddies have any April fools plans for you?
ML - Thanks. Funny enough, I really haven't had any jokes played on me in the last several years. Maybe it's just because I'm an adult now and adults don't care about April least that's the feeling that I get.

LW - Last time we spoke, we talked about your golf game. Had any great shots lately? Ever use the Force to move the ball around when you get frustrated?
ML - No I'm strictly forbidden from using the Force to better my golf game. Of course, I've had some great shots...every time I play. Unfortunately, I have more bad shots than good so the game continues to frustrate me.

LW - And I see The Roommate just came out, congrats!! So I’ve been hearing some buzz about this steamy sex scene. Have any idea what everyone’s talking about?
ML - I might. It's kinda of kinky and morbid all at the same time... You'll just have to see it.

LW - So normally, Matt, I end my Q+A w/my fellow Jedi trying on my Princess Leia buns for a nice photo. Since we’re conducting this Q+A on opposite coasts the Force may not be with me on this. But if you were here in NYC, you would try the buns on for me, wouldn’t you?
ML - Hmm I think I'll pass on that offer. I can't imagine Star Wars fans would be too happy to see The Chosen One rocking the Leia buns. Something about that just wouldn't be right. Or at least that’s my excuse. :)

Sources: MTV Geek


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Matt Lanter's Anakin Skywalker Interview With SFX Magazine

by Richard Edwards 11/19/2010
Source: SFX Magazine

Sometimes the journey is just as important as the destination. So while we all know that Anakin Skywalker is destined to don that iconic black suit, pick up some respiratory problems and have massive issues with his son (and the entire galaxy), it’s kind of fun to find out how he gets there. Matt Lanter has the fun job of playing Mr Skywalker before he turns into sci-fi’s most iconic villain, providing some Jedi vocal stylings in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. We caught up with him for a chat…

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Spotted: Liam Leaving on a Jet Plane???

So last night Trevor Donovan tweeted this:
@trevdon:  Going to be in an airplane tonight, but will not be flying anywhere, or even be at an airport.... Let your minds ponder on that for a bit
Then he tweeted the picture.  Is that Liam I see, I believe it is.  Looks like the cast is filming a scene on an "airplane", I wonder where the group is heading...we will have to wait an see....

Friday, January 14, 2011

90210 Rockstar Studs

Coming to a city near you Slice and Dice featuring the Persian Bandit.....I think these boys totally have the 80's hair/glam rock/metal band look going for them.  They are too funny.  Matt posted a picture of him, Micheal and Tristan via Twitter.  The second picture was posted by Ms. Gillian Zinser via Twitter. 


Matt Lanter & Jessica Lowndes: 4th Annual Teens For Jeans PSA

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

MF Magazine January 2011 Article on Matt

Here's the interview with Matt from MF Magazine this month.  It's always interesting see read about what is going on with Matt and what he has to say.  It is a good article.  Click on the picture to zoom in.  Enjoy!

Does anyone else think that it's bad when a magazine article has errors????  Look at the name of the show Matt is on...


Saturday, January 8, 2011

90210 "Liars" Sneak Peek

It's been a month since there's been any new episodes of 90210.  The withdrawals have probably began to set in now that the holiday season is over.  It'll be a few more weeks, January 24th to be exact, before any new episodes resurface.  Hopefully these pics will give you that small fix you've been looking for and hold you over until the new episodes start.  Looks like we'll finally get to see more of Charlie and Liam and maybe finally learn what has happened between the two and just see more of Liam.  Fingers crossed. I'm just hoping that these pics aren't the only time we see Liam during the episode...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year of Matt 2011

Today marks the beginning of a new year.  Sorry Lanterholics that I haven't been keeping my blog up as of late, then again there hasn't been a lot to report.  Like the rest of us, Matt is enjoying the holiday season.  Here's to the new year and hopefully we will be seeing lots more of Matt this year.  Let's hope with the start of the new year that Liam will have larger parts when 90210 starts back up later this month.  The first half of the season was definitely lacking.  And I try my hardest to keep you all up to date and entertained.  Stay tuned...Happy New Year to all of you Lanterholics out there!!!! 

Matt Lanter StarCam Interview at Toys for Tots Event

Matt is so incredibly grounded, one of his great characteristics. I don't know why but I love the fact that Matt wants a Toyota Tacoma. Maybe because I love guys who drive trucks...or maybe it's just because I drive a Toyota...haha. And isn't that the truck that co-star, Trevor Donovan just got, I believe it is...