Friday, July 15, 2011

Matt on Set for Season 4

Matt Lanter is back to work on 90210.  The cast has been shooting this week on the streets and beaches around LA on July 10 and 13.  Looking at the photos that have been snapped has me excited for season 4 and what it holds for Liam.  Hopefully season 4 means more Liam than last season.  I have a feeling, based on what I have been reading, that we may seeing another different side a Liam as he develops a new love interest with a young women who has become a window.  We all know what a sensitive and caring guy Liam can be.  There is one picture that has particularly caught my eye, it's Liam holding a little red box.  The question is what is inside that box, is it a ring?  Does he propose to Annie and she says no?  After all, if Liam is going to have a new love interest, we all need to no that there is no hope for him and Annie getting back together.  Guess we will just have to wait until September to find out.  For now, here a some shots of Matt on set.

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