Friday, May 20, 2011

Matt Lanter on the 90210 Season

This week was the season finale of 90210 that left us all wondering if Liam will return.  After a disappointing season that had a total lack of Liam we can't help but wonder what the future of Matt's character is.  While we were all saying that we would have liked to see more of Liam's story and explore the history of the character, apparently, Matt Lanter also want to see a little more of Liam.  We could agree more with him.  Here's to hoping that Liam will return next season because if he doesn't I may just lose interest in the show.  Here is the interview Matt gave prior to the airing of the season finale.

Matt Lanter Drops Some Knowledge About the 90210 Finale 

Matt Lanter, 90210Poor Matt Lanter. If only he were more attractive, we'd probably see so much more of him on 90210.
Just kidding, he's completely hot and happily dealing with some pretty crazy storylines for his character Liam. Tonight, the third season of 90210 wraps up, with an ending that will surely set up the group's transition to college. But as Matt tells us, the season finale is going to be anything but drama free for Liam and the rest of the gang.
And that's just the way we like our 90210 episodes...

How have you felt about Liam's story arc over the course of the season?
Matt Lanter:
I would have liked to see Liam's story develop a bit more this season. Yes, we saw Liam struggle with the relationship with his stepbrother Charlie (Evan Ross) for a couple episodes and he dealt with crazy drug-dealing Laura, and of course his relationship ups and downs with Annie (Shenae Grimes), but there could be so much more to him and I'd love to see that happen next season.